Seismic Strengthening
Seismic Bracing, Retrofitting & Strengthening experts servicing Welllington, Manawatu, Wairarapa & Hawkes Bay
We are the industry experts at taking engineered plans and manufacturing the required bracing and plate components that fit and strengthen the weak areas of buildings. These components consist of big SHS or UC Bracing with mounting plating to help transmit or brace against the shock loadings.
Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. With a better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers, the need for strengthening is heightened. Working with State-of-the-art technical guidelines for seismic assessment, retrofit and rehabilitation, DUCARE is committed to exceptional results that meet the desired Earthquake Standards of New Zealand.
The strengthening of existing buildings to achieve a higher performance in earthquakes is a highly skilled task.With Ducare, our experience and expertise delivers. We push boundaries with our expertise and skill, to install large components for seismic strengthening in difficult positions.
Ducare NZ Ltd are New Zealand owned and operated industrial steel fabricators. Our professional metal fabrication services include pipe and tube bending, industrial soda blasting and metal coating, CNC steel fabrication, and water jet cutting. Contact us today to discuss your requirements with our team today!